A jeepney group is asking for a temporary increase in minimum fare while
earlier petitions for a fare hike are still awaiting review by the Land
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board.
According to news reports, the Alliance of Transport Operators and Drivers'
Association of the Philippines, or ALTODAP, has proposed a provisional
fare increase of one to two pesos until diesel prices decrease.
ALTODAP president Boy Vargas said that if diesel prices fall, they would
return to charging the earlier minimum fare.
Three transportation groups had earlier filed a petition with the LTFRB
seeking a P5 increase in the minimum jeepney fare, along with an additional
P2 per kilometer.
LTFRB chairman Teofilo Guadiz appears open to be keeping an open mind about
granting the temporary fare increase.
The LTFRB has indicated that a decision on the fare hike petition is
expected by April, following consultations with stakeholders and commuters.
If approved, the fare hike would coincide with the LRT1 fare increase,
which is set to take effect on April 2.
Meanwhile, operators and drivers of ride-hailing apps are also seeking a
fare increase, citing increased operational expenses that include rising
fuel prices.
Again it falls on the LTFRB to balance the interest of jeepney drivers and
operators suffering loss of income from rising fuel prices against that of
commuters suffering from higher costs of living.