March May See Penalties Return for Tag-Less Motorists in Tollways

There is a plan to impose the fines on motorists entering tollways without radio frequency identification or RFID tags by March of this year.

According to a Businessworld report, TRB Executive Director Alvin A. Carullo said that the new tollway regulations originally slated for enforcement last year were now tentatively scheduled to take effect on March 1.

However, Carullo clarified that the initial focus would be on penalizing motorists who do not possess RFID tags, while fines for those with insufficient wallet balances, also part of the deferred guidelines, would not be immediately enforced.

Carullo was referring to tollway guidelines under Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2024-001 which were supposed to be enforced in October of last year but was deferred by the Department of Transportation following widespread criticism from motorists and other advocacy groups.

In deferring the implementation of the JMC 2024-001, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said various stakeholders would be consulted on possibly amending the order while tollway operators were given time to finetune their operations leading to a fully cashless tollway payment system.

To be sure, motorists who regularly use expressways are not opposed to a purely cashless toll payment system-and may even favor it. They only ask for such a system to be efficient, fair, and not be a blackhole for missing loads.

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